
Taxonomy: Phylum: Proteobacteria | Class: Gamma Proteobacteria | Order: Enterobacteriales | Family: Enterobacteriaceae | Genus: Salmonella | Species: Salmonella enterica | Sub-speceis: enterica | Serotypes: Typhimurium,Dublin,Pullorum,Gallinarum,Enteritidis

Write in paper – i.e.: Salmonella enterica Typhimurium ,Salmonella enterica Gallinarum

Salmonella are usually motile and do not ferment lactose.
The genus Salmonella contains more than 2,500 serotypes, based on a system devised by Kaufmann and White in which somatic (O) and flagellar (H) antigens are identified. Occasionally, capsular (Vi) antigens may be detected.
A phage typing system has been developed for a small number of serotypes such as Typhimurium and Enteritidis and is used for epidemiological investigation of isolates.
In a modification of this scheme, two species were proposed, -enterica (6 sub-species) bongori.
The majority of salmonellae of veterinary importance belong to S. enterica subspecies enterica.

Salmonella serotypes of clinical importance and the consequences of infection: