The International Committee on Nomenclature of Viruses (ICNV) was established in 1966 to develop a single universal taxonomic scheme. The successor to the ICNV, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), established in 1973, developed and expanded the...
The kidneys regulate the volume and composition of extracellular fluid by producing urine. This process begins with the formation of an ultrafiltrate of plasma, which occurs as solutes, small proteins, and other non-cellular components of the blood pass through the...
This refers to a group of blood tests that measure the levels of enzymes found in the liver, which help assess its functionality. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is an enzyme present in various tissues, including the liver, heart, muscle, kidney, and brain. It is...
Introduction Synonyms of the Disease Life cycle Diagnosis Introduction Theilerioses are a group of tick-borne diseases caused by eukaryotic obligate intracellular protozoan parasites from the Theileria genus. Many Theileria species are present in both domestic and...